Hidden Bibliographic Details
Computer file characteristics: | Computer data.
Geospatial data: | Lambert Conformal Conic 17.5 29.5 North American datum of 1927
Notes: | Geographic coverage complete in 8 sheets. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title form container. Input scale: 1:1,000,000. Includes index map. Some sheets include insets. "Cobertura nacional." Electronic version of: Carta de uso del suelo y vegetación 1:1,000,000. Sytem requirements: 80386 processor or better; 8MB Ram; Windows 3.1 or better; software to display bitmap images; image processing software or geographic informamation system software that can process LZW compressed TIFF images; a hard disk with at least 120MB free; CD-Rom drive; mouse; VGA monitor; optinally: black and white laser printer; color printer; large format color plotter.
Summary: | Raster images of the 8 sheets of "Carta de uso del suelo y vegetación 1:1,000,000". Each sheet is digitized 3 ways: Directory "IMAGEN" contains LZW compressed TIFF images of each complete sheet with a resolution of 100 microns; Directory "VRAPIDA" contains Bitmap images of each complete sheet with a resolution of 400 microns; and Directory "VENTANA" contains complete Bitmap images of the zone surrounding the city for which the map sheet was named. Also Bitmap and TIFF images of map index and margin information.