Karta radiat͡sionnoĭ obstanovki na territorii evropeĭskoĭ chasti SSSR po sostoi͡anii͡u na dekabrʹ 1990 goda : plotnostʹ zagri͡aznenii͡a mestnosti t͡seziem-137 : masshtab 1:500 000 /

Карта радиационной обстановки на территории европейской части СССР по состоянию на декабрь 1990 года : плотность загрязнения местности цезием-137 : масштаб 1:500 000 /
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Bibliographic Details
Corporate author / creator:Institut prikladnoĭ geofiziki imeni akademika E.K. Fedorova.
Институт прикладной геофизики имени академика Е.К. Федорова.
Imprint:[Moscow] : GUGK SSSR, c1991.
[Moscow] : ГУГК СССР, c1991.
Description:38 maps : col. ; 46 x 67 cm. or smaller, on sheets 61 x 81 cm. or smaller.
Cartographic data:Scale 1:500,000. 1 cm. = 5 km. (E 21°00ʹ--E 45°00ʹ/N 62°00ʹ--N 48°00ʹ).
Format: Map Print
URL for this record:http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/4805842
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Other title:Map of the radiation situation in the European part of the USSR as of December 1990.
Other authors / contributors:Izraėlʹ, I͡U. A. (I͡Uriĭ Antonievich)
Avdi͡ushin, S. I.
Авдюшин, С. И.
Zapadnoe aėrogeodezicheskoe predprii͡atie (Minsk, Belarus)
Soviet Union. Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii.
Institut prikladnoĭ geofiziki imeni akademika E.K. Fedorova.
Западное аэрогеодезическое предприятие (Минск, Беларус)
Soviet Union. Главное управление геодезии и картографии.
Институт прикладной геофизики имени академика Е.К. Федорова.
Notes:Shows amount of cesium-137 contamination in the soil of the affected parts of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia caused by the Chernobylʹ AES nuclear accident. Some map quadrangles show no indicated areas of contamination.
Relief shown by spot heights. Depths shown by contours and soundings on some maps.
Names of areas covered by map quadrangle given in upper margin at left, e.g.: SSSR, USSR, BSSR -- SSSR, RSFSR Belg., Volgogr., Voronezh. ... oblasti -- SSSR, RSFSR, Finli͡andii͡a.
Map quadrangles individually subtitled and numbered in upper margin at right, e.g.: M-34-G (Uzhgorod) -- N-38-V (Rtishchevo) -- O-35-A Tallin -- R-36-V, G (Petrozavodsk).
"Sistema koordinat 1942 g."
Accompanied by English-language translation of title, text, legend: Map of the radiation situation in the European part of the USSR as of December 1990 : density of cesium-137 contamination of the terrain. [3] leaves : photocopies ; 28 x 22 cm.
Includes sheet-index and boundary diagrams. Map R-35-V, G (Khelʹsinki-Vyborg) also includes text and list of compilers' names.
Names of areas covered by map quadrangle given in upper margin at left, e.g.: СССР, УССР, БССР -- СССР, РСФСР Белг., Волгогр., Воронеж. ... области -- СССР, РСФСР, Финляндия.
Map quadrangles individually subtitled and numbered in upper margin at right, e.g.: M-34-Г (Ужгород) -- N-38-В (Ртищево) -- O-35-А Таллин -- R-36-В, Г (Петрозаводск).
"Система координат 1942 г."

Regenstein, Room 370, Map Collection

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Call Number: G7011.N854 1990 .I5
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