An answer to a pamphlet, intituled: The Fisher catched in his owne net [microform] : In vvhich, by the vvay, is shevved, that the Protestant Church was not so visible, in al ages, as the true Church ought to be: and consequently, is not the true Church. Of which, men may learne infallible faith, necessarie to saluation. By A.C.

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Bibliographic Details
Author / Creator:A. C.
Imprint:[London : Printed by Peter Smith, and at Saint-Omer at the English College Press], 1623.
Description:[4], 72 p.
Series:Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1229:21.
Format: Microform E-Resource Book
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Other authors / contributors:Champney, Anthony, 1569?-1643?, attributed name.
Sweet, John, 1570-1632, attributed name.
Floyd, John, 1572-1649, attributed name.
Fisher, John, 1569-1641, attributed name.
Notes:Sometimes attributed to John Sweet, to John Floyd, and to John Fisher. Misattributed to Anthony Champney.
A reply to: Featley, Daniel. The Fisher catched in his owne net.
Quires A-E were printed by Peter Smith in London, the remainder at the English College Press in Saint-Omer (STC).
Identified as STC 4957 on UMI microfilm.
Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
STC (2nd ed.) 10910.4.
Available electronically as part of Early English books online.
University of Chicago has also on microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1971. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1229:21).

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