Varying Form of Title: | Artificial balsamum for new wounds, cold aches, strains, bruises, gouts, &c. As it was made publickly upon SMithfield place before many hundreds of good people the 20, and 21. of October, 1651. By John Puntæus, a chymical physician
Notes: | Caption title. A1r signed: John Puntæus; at foot of A1r: The tenth edition. Caption title at head of p. 2: The artificial balsamum for new wounds, cold aches, strains, bruises, gouts, &c. As it was made publickly upon Smithfield place before many hundreds of good people the 20, and 21. of October, 1651. By John Puntæus, a chymical physician. Pages stained with some loss of print. Reproduction of the original in the British Library. Wing (2nd ed.) P2804E Available electronically as part of Early English books online. University of Chicago has also on microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1990. 1 microfilm reel 35 mm. (Early English books, 1641-1700; 2037:3).