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Other authors / contributors: | Nārāyanabhaṭṭa Ghanapāṭhī.
Śarmā, Vallabharāma.
Notes: | Imprint from colophon. Poṭha format. Nārāyanabhaṭṭa Ghanapāṭhī is listed in the colophon as responsible for the first work, Śuklayajurvedamādhyaṃdinīyasaṃhitāprāraṃbhaḥ, which is here divided into two parts; Vallabharāmaśarmā is given in the colophon of the second, Yājñavalkyaśikṣā-pratijñāsūtra-sarvānukrama-anuvākasūtra; There is no colophon for the third or fourth works, Vedapārāyaṇavidhi and Śrīvājasaneyasaṃhitāmantrāṇāmakārādyanukramaṇikā. In Sanskrit.
Summary: | Text of the Yajurveda of the Vajasaneyi school, with three additional works. The Yājñavalkya ̊concerns the correct pronunciation and accentuation of Vedic texts, the Vedapārāyaṇavidhi the correct order of ritual procedure, and the Śrīvājasaneyasaṃhitā ̊is a concordance of mantras in the Yajurveda.