Notes: | "This orthodox Presbyterian publication was begun in 1823 by Sidney E. and Richard Morse, brothers of the inventor Samuel Morse. Religious topics and viewpoints were the main focus of the newspaper, representing the conservative part of the Presbyterian church. Topics covered in the early part of the nineteenth century include "Religion the Only safe Basis of Popular Education," "On the Idolatry and Superstition of Popery," "Danger of Reading Infidel Writings," and "Why Is There a Hell?" War topics--"The Union Must Be Saved," "Progress of the War," and "Rebuilding the Ruins, "--Were covered during the 1860's. The New York Observer was one of the important New York journals in the period after the Civil War and Editors and Proprietors, Sidney E. Morse Jr. & Co., claimed the newspaper's independence from the Presbyterian church. Religious news and topics were still the main focus, but events of the Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Baptists, and Unitarians were covered. By the 1880's the publication was practically undenominational. The New York Observer switched to a smaller size publication in the 1890's and lost its newspaper character. Coverage included international topics such as "Latest News from South Africa," "Woman's Place in India," and "The Only Hope for China--Christian Youth," and an expansion of news coverage in addition to religious news" Cf. American periodicals, 1741-1900. Description based on: Vol. 11, no. 1 (Jan. 5, 1833) = whole no. 594; title from caption. Also available on microfilm from University Microfilms. Mode of access: World Wide Web.