Hidden Bibliographic Details
Varying Form of Title: | Some issues have title: Forest insect and disease conditions in the Intermountain region <1993->
Other authors / contributors: | United States. Forest Service. Intermountain Region.
United States. Forest Insect and Disease Management.
United States. Forest Service. Intermountain Region. Forest Pest Management.
United States. Forest Health Protection.
Frequency: | Annual
Date / volume: | Ceased with 2000.
Notes: | Map in pocket--1979-19. Description based on: 1979. Latest issue consulted: 1996. Some issues also available via Internet with title: Forest insect and disease conditions in the Intermountain region. Address as of 7/23/99: http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/health/cr97/cr97.htm; current access is available via PURL. Vols. for 1980-1995 issued by: Forest Pest Management, State and Private Forestry, USDA Forest Service; 1996- by: the Service's Forest Health Protection. Continued by separate reports for each state.
Other form: | Original 0272-8737 Forest insect and disease conditions in the Intermountain region
GPO item no.: | 0080-J (MF) 0080-J (online)
Govt.docs classification: | A 13.52/12: