Summary: | "Arthropod vectors of human infections, such as malaria, filariasis, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and typhus, are a continuing threat to human health. Medical Entomology for Students provides basic information on the recognition, biology, ecology, and medical importance of the arthropods that affect human health. The fourth edition of this popular textbook is completely updated, and incorporates the latest strategies for controlling insects, ticks, and mites. Extensive illustrations, with new colour photographs of some of the most important vectors and pests, will assist readers in recognizing arthropods such as mosquitoes, flies, and myiasis-causing larvae. The book contains a glossary of entomological and epidemiological terms, and a list of commonly used insecticides and their common names. Each chapter concludes with a list of suggested further reading. With a clear presentation and concise style, this text is specifically aimed at students of medical entomology, tropical medicine, parasitology, and pest control. It will also be essential reading for physicians, nurses, health officials, and community health workers."--BOOK JACKET.