Summary: | The most detailed architectural study and inventory of the Michoacán region during the colonial period that has been printed. The study is the result of a multi- disciplinary group investigation between institutions in Mexico. The book has two main themes: the architecture of habitable space and the dynamics and organization and urban structure in relation to the population. There are 42 contributions by noted scholars divided in six sections: Población, Poblamientos y reorganización de los asentamientos humanos en la Temprana Epoca Colonial -- Apropiación, control y territorialidad en la concepción y construción del territorio -- Los Asentamientos Humanos y sus espacios -- Arquitectura religiosa en el contexto del territorio y de los asentamientos humanos -- Tecnología y tradición constructiva -- Del territorio a la arquitectura en América colonial. The last chapter is a survery of architecture throughout Latin America.