Summary: | The adventurous, insightful, and often chilling story of a young geographer's road trip through the underworld of U.S. military and CIA "black ops" sites. Geographer-artist Trevor Paglen's research into areas that officially "don't exist" leads him on a globe-trotting adventure into a vast, undemocratic, and uncontrolled black empire--the unmarked spots on a map where our military conducts its most clandestine operations. Run by an amorphous group of government agencies and private companies, this empire's annual budget is over $40 billion, yet almost no one knows how it works or what it does. Whether it's from a hotel room in Vegas, secret prisons in Kabul, buried CIA aircraft in Central American jungles, Washington suburbs, or a trailer in Shoshone Indian territory, Paglen's reporting is impassioned, rigorous, relentless, and eye-opening. This is an exposé of a world that, officially, isn't even there.--From publisher description.