Local Note: | Bound with: Hoar, E.R. Address in the old Concord Meeting House, April 19, 1894. Boston, Beacon Press, 1894; Loring, George B. An oration delivered at Lexington on the dedication of the Town and Memorial Hall, April 19, 1871. Boston, Marvin, 1871; Lodge, Henry Cabot. An address commemorative of the life and services of George D. Robinson, governor of the commonwealth 1884-86. Boston, Ellis, 1896; Wheildon, William. New chapter in the history of the Concord fight. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1885; Clark, Jonas. The fate of blood-thirsty oppressors, and God's tender care of his distressed people. Boston, Franklin Press, 1875; Everett, Edward. An address delivered at Lexington, on the 19th (20th,) of April, 1835. Charlestown, Wheildon, 1835; Memorial to the men of Cambridge who fell in the first battle of the Revolutionary war. Cambridge, Wilson, 1870; Historical monuments and tablets erected by the town of Lexington. Lexington, 1884; Emmons, William. Emmons's oration, on Lexington Battle. [Boston?, 1827]; One hundredth anniversary, April 19, 1875 : battle of Lexington. Boston, 1875; Dana, Richard Henry. Oration at Lexington, April, 19, 1875. Boston, Lockwood, Brooks, 1875.