Notes: | Revised collection of lectures given at an international symposium held Dec. 2007 at the Centre for European Private Law (CEP) at the University of Müster, Germany. The academic draft of the CFR and the EC contract law / Reiner Schulze -- Comparative law and common frame of references / Konstantinos D. Kerameus -- "A Better Coherence of EU Private Law" and multilingualism / Gianmaria Ajani -- Contract law or law of obligations? : the Draft common frame of reference (DCFR) as multifunction tool / Hans Schulte-Nölke -- Consumer protection except for good commercial practice : a satisfactory regime for commercial contracts / Giuditta Cordero Moss -- Pre-contractual duties-from the acquis to the common frame of reference / Christian Twigg-Flesner -- Non-discrimination / Stefan Leible -- The right of withdrawal, the acquis principles, the draft common frame of reference, and the proposal for a consumer rights directive / Evelyne Terryn -- Non-negotiated terms / Thomas Pfeiffer -- The remedies for non-performance in the system of the acquis group / Fryderyk Zoll -- The damages rules in the acquis communautaire, in the acquis principles and in the DCFR / Ulrich Magnus -- The common frame of reference (CFR) of European insurance contract law / Helmut Heiss -- DCFR and property law : the need for consistency and coherence / Sjef van Erp -- Cadre commun de réference et droit international privé / Paul Legarde -- Europäisches Vertragsrecht - Österreichische Haltung / Georg Kathrein -- Connection between the CFR and the proposal for a directive on consumer rights / Judit Lévayné Fazekas. Includes bibliographical references. 14 English, 1 French, 1 German contribution.