Tade egesi en tēde tē bibliō, Porphyriou eisagōē biblion a, Aristotelous Katēgoriōn biblion a, tou autou Peri ermēneias biblion a, tou autou Analytika protera biblia b, tou autou Analytika ystera bibla b, tou autou Topikōn bibla ē, tou autou Peri sophistikōn elegchōn biblion a = In hoc libro haec insunt, Porphyrii introductio liber unus, Aristotelis praedicamentorum liber unus, eiusdem Periherminias liber unus, eiusdem Priora resolutoria libri duo, eiusdem Posteriora resolutoria libri duo, eiusdem Topicorum libri octo, eiusdem Elenchi liber unus.

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Bibliographic Details
Author / Creator:Aristotle, author.
Uniform title:Organon
Imprint:Florentiae : Per haeredes Philippi Iuntae, anno domini MDXXI mense Februario [February 1521]
Description:151, [1] leaves : illustrations ; 24 cm (4to)
Format: Print Book
Local Note:University of Chicago Library's copy is number 1 of 3 titles bound together; bound with: [2]. Aristotle. Aristotelous Ēthikōn Nikomacheiōn biblia deka = Aristotelis de moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem. Parisii : Apud Ioannem Lodoicum Tiletanum, 1540; [3]. Aristotle. Aristotelous Ēthikōn Nikomacheiōn biblia deka = Aristotelis De morib. ad Nicomachum filium libri decem. Florentiae : Apud Iunctas, 1547.
Discovery of this item made possible by a gift from Julie and Roger Baskes.
URL for this record:http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/8308038
Hidden Bibliographic Details
Varying Form of Title:In hoc libro haec insunt, Porphyrii introductio liber unus, Aristotelis praedicamentorum liber unus, eiusdem Periherminias liber unus, eiusdem Priora resolutoria libri duo, eiusdem Posteriora resolutoria libri duo, eiusdem Topicorum libri octo, eiusdem Elenchi liber unus
Other uniform titles:Francino, Antonio,
Porphyry, approximately 234-approximately 305. Isagoge.
August, Elector of Saxony, 1526-1586,
Other authors / contributors:Heredi di Philippo de Giunta, printer.
Provenance:Margins ruled in brown ink.
Binding: Armorial panel-stamped pigskin over boards; armorial device on central panel on front cover with caption "Des Heiligen Romischenn keiserthumes Wappenn" and device on rear cover with caption "Von Gottes gnaden Augustus Herzog zu Sachssen vnd churfurst. etc." [arms of Augustus, Elector of Saxony].
Notes:Edited by Antonio Francino.
Signatures: a-t⁸.
Head-pieces; initials.
EDIT 16, entry CNCE 2890

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