Notes: | "Warning: the following film contains explicit, offensive and illegal material and disturbing stroboscopic imagery." Special features: The making of Zenith ; blooper reel ; deleted scenes ; theatrical trailers ; transmedia experience. Experiment supervisor, Vladan Nikolic ; produced by Vladan Nikolic, Djordjije Lekovic, Jason Robards III ; editor, Milica Zec ; music, Luigi Colarullo. Peter Scanavino, Jason Robards III, Ana Asensio, David Thornton, Al Nazemian, Raynor Scheine, Michael Cates, Jay O. Sanders, Bernard Rachelle, Arthur French, Gordon Joseph Weiss, Jonathan Pitts Wiley, Justin Reinsilber, Didier Flamand, Zohra Lampert. DVD ; All regions, NTSC ; Digital stereo.
Summary: | "Zenith is a retro-futuristic steam-punk thriller, about two men in two time periods, whose search for the same grand conspiracy leads them to question their own humanity. Starting from a fictional recreation of Stanley Milgram's Obedience to authority experiment, Zenith explores multifaceted dimensions of the human experience. The film follows tow parallel stories - of father and son - now, and 40 years into the future. Searching for the same elusive conspiracy, both father and son find no answers; instead, their journeys unravel their lives and force them to look deep and hard at themselves and their surroundings. In the end, they are both confronted with the same Faustian bargain - but each one chooses a very different path"--Back of container.