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Other authors / contributors: | Kulakarṇī, Candrakānta, direction.
Bhāve, Ushā, production.
Mohile, Amar, music.
Everest Entertainment (Firm)
Notes: | Copyright notice on container: Everest Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Discs 1-2 together in one container. Originally released theatrically in 2007. Summary taken from www.kadachithefilm.com. Kathā-paṭakathā Girīśa Jośī; sãvāda Praśānta Daḷavī; pārśva-saṅgīta Amara Mohile. Aśvinī Bhāve, Sacina Kheḍekara, Sadāśiva Amarāpūrakara, Tushāra Daḷavī. In Marathi.
Summary: | Kadachit is a psychological drama that questions the validity of human perception. Twenty years after testifying that her father killed her mother, Gayatri, a leading neurosurgeon and hapilly married mother, is shocked to learn her father may be innocent. Moved to action by looming guilt, thinking she was responsible for his twenty years in prison, Gayatri returns to the small village she came from, to investigate her mother's death. The clues fall into place, suggesting her father's innocence. While Gayatri, struggling to accept this falls into depression, her father, as the unjustly accused, wins over her family. But, still, he appears repentant. Why? Gayatri's quest to resolve her guilt and to find the truth behind her mother's murder is Kadachit.
Awards: | "Maharashtra State awards best actress, best screenplay, best supporting role, best makeup; Ma Ta Sanman, best female actor, best supporting role, best dialogue; Star-Screen awards, best female actor, best male actor"--Container.