Summary: | The 10th edition of this handbook makes formulating nursing diagnoses and creating individualized care plans a breeze. Updated with the most recent NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, this reference shows how to build customized care plans in three steps: assess, diagnose, plan. The authors use Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) as guides in creating care plans that include desired outcomes, interventions, patient teaching, and evidence-based rationales. It includes 4 color text; updated 2012-2014 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses; the latest NIC/NOC, interventions, and rationales for every care plan; the latest NIC/NOC, interventions, and rationales for every care plan; QSEN Safety interventions and rationales; 100 NCLEX exam-style review questions are available on the companion Evolve website; Root Causing Thinking and Motivational Interviewing tools, and appendices on the companion Evolve website.