Hidden Bibliographic Details
Other uniform titles: | Marchionda, Stephen.
Dowland, John, 1563?-1626. Songs or ayres, 1st book. Come heavy sleepe.
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Nocturnal after John Dowland.
Maw, Nicholas. Interiors.
Maw, Nicholas. Music of memory.
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976. Songs from the Chinese.
Dowland, John, 1563?-1626. Songs or ayres, 3rd book. Weepe you no more, sad fountaines.
Notes: | Songs with guitar (1st, 3rd, 5th-6th works) and works for guitar solo (2nd, 4th works). Philip Langridge, tenor ; Stephen Marchionda, guitar. Recorded Feb. 21-23, 2003, The Wathen Hall, St. Paul's School, London. The vocal works sung in English. Description based on hard copy version record.
Other form: | Source record: Langridge, Philip, 1939-2010. Songs for tenor and guitar. Colchester, Essex, England : Chandos, p2005
Standard no.: | GBLWD0504001 GBLWD0504016 GBLWD0504003 GBLWD0504004 GBLWD0504005 GBLWD0504006 GBLWD0504007 GBLWD0504008 GBLWD0504010 GBLWD0504011 GBLWD0504012 GBLWD0504013 GBLWD0504014 GBLWD0504015 GBLWD0504002 GBLWD0504009
Publisher's no.: | CHAN10305 Chandos