Notes: | In the 1st work: Frauenchor des Rundfunkchores Berlin ; Dietrich Knothe, conductor. 2nd and 3rd works: Berliner Solisten ; Dietrich Knothe, conductor. 4th work: Gerald Schliecher, clarinet ; Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin ; Manfred Roost, conductor. 5th work; Edda Schaller, soprano ; Heinz Gäble, viola. 6th work: Friedrich Karl Erben, Ralf Rainer Haase, violins ; Arnim Orlamünde, viola ; Wolfgang Bernhardt, violoncello ; Wilfried Winkelmann, flute ; Helmut Hoffmann, clarinet ; Herbert Heilmann, bassoon. 7th work: Roswitha Trexler, soprano ; Hermann Hähnel, baritone ; Jutta Czapski, piano ; Rundfunk-Chor Berlin ; Manfred Roost, director ; Mitglieder des Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchesters Berlin ; Dietrich Knothe, conductor. 8th work: Rundfunkchor Berlin ; Rundfunk Solisten-vereinigung Berlin ; Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin ; Helmut Koch, conductor. Recorded 1967-1975 in Berlin. Description based on hard copy version record.