Local Note: | University of Chicago Library's Rare copy bound in a 14-volume set with title: Collection of pamphlets on ancient philosophy. In this volume, v.6, are 14 titles bound together; bound with: Hermann, Karl Friedrich. Disputatio de Thrasymacho Chalcedonio sophista (Gottingae: Dieterichiana, 1848); Heidel, William Arthur. On certain fragments of the pre-Socratics (Boston, 1913); Keller, Ludwig. Die heiligen Zahlen und die Symbolik der Katakomben (Berlin, 1906); Tsirimbas, Antonios. Die allgemeinen pädagogischen Gedanken der Alten Stoa (München: Tsirimbas, 1936); Wendt, Amadeus. De rerum principiis secundum Pythagoreos (Leipzig: Tauchitus, [1827?]); Schuster, Paul Robert. Heraklit von Ephesus (Leipzig: Teubner, 1872); Wiersma, Wijbe. Peri telous (Groningen: de Waal, 1937); Palermo, Francesco. San Tommaso, Aristotele e Dante (Firenze: Cellini, 1869); Browne, C. A. Four anniversaries in the history of Greek philosophy ([Chicago?], [1915?]); Heidel, William Arthur. Antecedents of Greek corpuscular theories ([Cambridge?]: [Harvard University Press?], [1911?]); Levi, Adolfo. Le idee di Teodoro l'Ateo (Milano: Hoepli, 1931); Gaudenzi, Paganino. Praelectiones in C. IV. vitae cn. Iulii Agricolae accedunt (Ienae: Lindneri, 1708); Levi, Adolfo. Sulla sofistica ([Napoli?]: [Alfredo?], [1937?]).