Summary: | GALE Arabic-English Parallel Aligned Treebank -- Newswire was developed by the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) and contains 267,520 tokens of word aligned Arabic and English parallel text with treebank annotations. This material was used as training data in the DARPA GALE (Global Autonomous Language Exploitation) program. Parallel aligned treebanks are treebanks annotated with morphological and syntactic structures aligned at the sentence level and the sub-sentence level. Such data sets are useful for natural language processing and related fields, including automatic word alignment system training and evaluation, transfer-rule extraction, word sense disambiguation, translation lexicon extraction and cultural heritage and cross-linguistic studies. With respect to machine translation system development, parallel aligned treebanks may improve system performance with enhanced syntactic parsers, better rules and knowledge about language pairs and reduced word error rate. In this release, the source Arabic data was translated into English. Arabic and English treebank annotations were performed independently. The parallel texts were then word aligned. The material in this corpus corresponds to the Arabic treebanked data appearing in Arabic Treebank: Part 3 v 3.2 (LDC2010T08) (ATB) and to the English treebanked data in English Translation Treebank: An-Nahar Newswire (LDC2012T02).