Summary: | "In the tradition of James Frazer, Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, Thierry Hentsch retells, with new urgency and a keen critical eye, "the story of the West" that shapes our perception of the world. Yet, "the story of the West" does not exist. Only a reading of its most seminal texts - from Ulysses to Hamlet, from the Torah to the Gospels, from Plato to Descartes - can bring it alive." "His tale turns on a startling discovery: The Christian message of immortality is conditional. To overcome death - the touchstone of the human condition - the believer must accept the Truth of salvation. Western civilization, by replacing God with technoscience, offers the universal promise that salvation may now be gained on earth. Yet, as a condition, it would impose its own absolute morality on the world. Truth or Death: the Biblical injunction is ours as well."--BOOK JACKET.